Ten Pages Bookstore

Caribbean Children

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Caribbean Children

Tata and the Big Bad Bull

Caribbean Children
COD: 9780999237243
Ages 7+ Tata loves going to school, but the only way he can get there is through Pellken Pasture, which is fiercely guarded by the Big Bad Bull. Can Tata figure out how to get past the angry bull and make it to school on time? Told in rhyme, Tata and the Big Bad Bull is a fun story about determination and overcoming fear with compassion.

Trapped in Dunston's Cave

Caribbean Children
COD: 9780990865926
Ages: 9+ Mark, Kyle, Ingrid and Mark's pet monkey Chee Chee set off for a school trip to Trinidad's Asa Wright Nature Center excited and ready for adventure. However, when Kyle disappears in the rain forest, the trip turns into a dangerous encounter with poachers who are trying to steal rare oilbirds from Dunston's Cave. Can Chee Chee once again rescue the children from danger?
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